Friday, June 5, 2009

Return to Sticky Stuff

I went back to the church basement this morning. It was raining so I opted not to take the Cricut. I have to ask myself "Was it really because it was raining - or was I in the grips of fear of failure?" I think it was the latter. I wondered if I would be able to remember the settings. Were the instructions we used in the bag? Would I get the letters the right size? Nail biter. So, I have adhered (don't you love my vocabulary?) the existing letters to the banner. They look OK. These were 4 1/2 inch letters and the N's were the hardest. There are some repairs to be made. My current intention is to re-cut the other letters here at home after finishing an on-line course I'm taking. Had to get a copy of the local Emergency Management Plan from our Coordinator. I didn't dare ask him if there was a chapter on leaving out letters in a vinyl word - afraid I would break down and cry. But I'm hoping. I realize it is a new area for FEMA's Emergency Management Institute and they may have to add a new category of ESF (Emergency Support Function). There are 13 of them now, but since that is such an unlucky number I will be the impetus for taking care of the triscadecaphobics in the emergency response community. I may have to take a field trip down to Emmitsburg, MD where the Academy is located. I may need a demonstration. They have lots of gizmos there, e.g. welding torches, saws-alls, Jaws of Life. Who says they wouldn't have a Cricut? Surely they have some leftover vinyl seat covers in their auditorium or fire trucks. No peel and stick worries there unless you are peeling your bare bottom off the chair.

But I digress. And procrastinating. Had some of that delicious yogurt with my cereal this morning. I think I'm gonna like this CSA thing. The lettuce salad was great last night. Today it's raining so I can't plant the baby veggies they gave me for my own garden. I also forgot to pick up my kale. That did not make me happy. I was too busy telling them that Chimichurri sauce was made with mint. When I got home and started to send them the recipe for folks picking up the mountain of mint they had havested I saw that I was wrong, wrong, wrong. It is Cilantro and Italian parsley, not mint and Italian parsley. But I do wonder what the effect would be if I did make the substitution. Maybe a new taste sensation. I thought it would go well on falafel. No time to try it out right now, but when I do, I'll let you know.

Inevitably I am now really feeling the guilt from not studying. So, gotta go. Right after I put on some water for tea, put another load of wash in, empty the dryer, and fold the load of laundry sitting on the sofa. I'll get it done, I'll get it done. Guilt, guilt, guilt...

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